We wanted to provide you with a few healthy living tips in order to keep you as healthy as possible. Keep these in mind as you manage your health for the rest of 2017.
- Get your flu shots. It may be late it the year, but check with your doctor if it would be beneficial.
- Plan for Social Security changes: On January 1, 2015, benefits increase by 1.7% to a maximum of $2,663 each month. The part B premium for Medicare will remain the same at $104.90 as it has been the past two years.
- Have you had your blood pressure checked, do it now. Many drug stores offer free or low cost testing.
- Coffee has some positive health benefits. It lowers blood pressure, prevents diabetes and may even fight skin cancer.
- A glass of red wine every day may also have health benefits.
- Eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner); it is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal
- Control portion sizes; eat the smallest portion that can satisfy hunger and then stop eating.
- Research suggests that people with mild eczema who drink oolong tea three times a day may show improvement in itching and other symptoms.
- Cardiovascular or aerobic exercise. This is the type that benefits your heart most. Examples include walking, jogging, jumping rope, bicycling, skiing, skating, rowing, and aerobics or cardio classes. These strengthen your heart and lungs.
A healthy body is a happy body, and there’s no better way to preserve your health and your family’s health than with a health insurance policy from Silva Management Insurance Services 888-611-7647.